Fresh Produce Lover.

Why Fresh Produce?

I am a produce lover! I love to walk around the produce section and view the wide variety of colors in food that God has given us as a pallet to use when picking our produce. The vivid colors are reminders of the unique vitamins in each food and are the first signal of whats inside. The colors of fresh produce are caused by the special organic chemicals in the food itself. Because of the beautiful science behind produce I choose to eat the rainbow so that I can intake the vast amount of vitamins offered by the distinctively colored foods. Each color has its benefits:

Red- Contains lycopene, ellagic acid, and hesperidin to name a few. These compounds lower blood pressure, decrease risk of prostate cancer, and support joint tissue in the case of arthritis.

Orange and Yellow- Contain beta-carotene, vitamin c, and potassium. These compounds help build healthy bones, encourage collagen formation, and fights free radicals.

Green- Contains chlorophyll, fiber, and calcium. These compounds boosts immune system activity, normalize digestion time, and positively impact retinal activity.

Blue and Purple- Contains flavonoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. Limits activity of cancer cells, boosts immune system and fights inflammation.

White- Contains beta-glucans, lignans, and SDG. This too fights several forms of cancer and boosts immunity.

This is a very broad description of why to eat the rainbow and the benefits are reaped depending on how the food is prepared. But these broad reasons are some of the key reasons I choose to eat fresh, because of the many benefits to my overall health!

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